Thursday, April 14, 2011

Video Surf!!!!

Don't you just hate it when you want to find a certain video on youtube and 7,000 other vidoes with the same name pop up. For example, when i type in the name of a song, I want the music video to come up, not people acting famous and trying to dance. It annoys me so bad when other vidoes come up before the legitament music video. Urgggg! What about when you want to watch a video and
There is a new Video Search Engine that allows you to navigate through the crazy web mess. What an amazing invention! Video Surf recognizes images within the video it scans. That means the video that runs through the program can clearly identify the images that play throughout the video. This device helps take the pictures in the video into account, so the name will clearly identify the video. With sites like youtube and google people can tag their videos with popular names so their video will come up more often. This device will prevent videos, that are unrelated to the search name, from showing up.
I think this invention is a wonderful idea because I know that I would most definately use this site over all the other sites, so I can get the correct video I am looking for, much quicker.

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