Thursday, April 28, 2011

Urg, Big Dorky Glasses!!!

These glasses are what you need to view your new 3D tv!! The only sad part is that you must have glasses to watch your brand new television. Hmm..I don't know how I would feel about sitting on my couch, eating popcorn, wearing huge glasses, and this would be all the time, not just watching a movie. Some people might now mind wearing these glasses all the time, but I know that I would feel goofy! Not only are these glasses relatively large, but, for a family of four, they can cost up to as much as a regular 2D tv. I would never want to pay that much for dorky glasses that I would have to wear all the time to watch shows on my television. Anything 3D is a huge accomplishment in the technological world, but is it getting to be too much?

Let's Make A Robot Family!!:)

Most robots look like other machines and only do one task. Friendly Robotics RL1000 “Robomotor” is a lawnmower that’ll cut your grass automatically. The cost is roughly $1800. In order to update the Robomower, you have to plug it into the phone line, and it’ll automatically download software updates. These same robotics are even being used in smart houses. Robotics will make everyday household living a crazy experience!
I think any robot than could help a family out is a good idea. For example, I know that my dad is extremely busy all the time, and if had a robot to mow his lawn, when it needed it, he would be much happier and less stressed out all the time. Having a robot to mow for you could be bad aswell, depending on how you go about using this technical device!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ahh I Hate Bridges Sooooo Much!!

The importance of underwater investigation of railroad bridges cannot be stated enough, especially in light of so many railroad bridges and the trend of severe storms, greater-than-ever high water conditions and the potential to see levels that have never previously been experienced. Railroad bridges, more often than not, have larger, more closely spaced foundations that make them much more vulnerable for other waterway effects, which are by far, the leading cause of bridge failures from an underwater standpoint. Given these realities, it's easy to see why it is so important that the properly executed underwater inspection of railroad bridges should be implemented as part of an effective bridge maintenance program, as well as to identify any critical conditions out there before it is too late. I really think this needs to be checked out! It is really scary to think how dangerous it could be!! AHHHHHH!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tablet Computers!

Sony created their first ever tablet computers! In an attempt to catch up to the well known iPad, Sony made a look-a-like and was completely dominated. Sony's version of the iPad was put to second place while the iPad easily took first. These tablet computers will, however, be the first to provide the capability to play PlayStation games!
I personally think it is pointless to keep creating the same product over and over. Companies continue copying other companies and creating the exact same thing. Why can't we just keep adding to the new product insead of having thirteen of the same product out on the market? New technology is usually good, but this computer...I'm not to sure about it!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011


The European Commission has approved plans to build a trio of lasers that will each dwarf the power of existing lasers.The three new lasers, one each in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania, are set to be completed by 2015. Each will fire pulses that reach a power of 10 petawatts the equivalent of several hundred times the power used by human civilization.Each laser will cost the U. S. about $400,000,000. 
If this device will really improve science as much as these people think they would, then that is awesome. These lasers seem like quite some work, and I feel like they would take a long time to prepare. Technology just keeps getting more and more advanced!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I Fly With The Stars In The Skies:)

A new advancement in science has come upon us. Scientists have recently created an amazing new telescope. At ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile, The Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope have us the possibility to capture scenes such as a new image of the nebula NGC 3582. This telescope has made it possible for scientists to the smallest things arounds this nebula. From this photo you are even able to see the gas loops that resemble solar prominences.

Being able to see something that far away from the Earth amazes me. This telescope has such a countless amount of capabilities. Imagine if they take what they know from this telescope and use it to make one that magnifies even greater than this one. Envision all of the amazing, new things we could find in the depths of outer space with the technology capabilities we have!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Underwater Adventures!!

This underwater, baby submarine is such a break in technology, and could open up so many opportunities for future underwater research. This was built to go to depths of 1,000 meters down into the ocean. This submarine can also hold two to five passengers for up to 18 hours under the water. The submarine can even dive as far as 100 meters. This device has a 360-degree acrylic hull that allows the passengers to have the best view possible. To ride in this device the cost goes up to $990,000.

This breakthrough submarine can open up so many doors for underwater research. Imagine how much more information we can find from this piece of technology. This device makes me believe that submarine will continue coming out more and more advanced, and eventually be able to get low enough in the ocean, to find even more discoveries.